Donate blood, save life

Donate blood to help others

our Blood Donors

# Donor Name Group City Area Mobile Number Last Blood Donation
1 bakhtain O+ Lahore Lahore 03083931150
2 Muhammad Umar A- Lahore Gulberg 03137281122
3 Arshad Mehmood A+ Lahore Lahore 03224536458
4 Ali Hassan A+ Lahore Lahore 03216933805
5 SAQIB B+ Lahore Samanabad 03084894493
6 Amjad Islam O+ Lahore Lahore 03157773210
7 HASAN JALIL O+ Lahore Lahore 03334209728
8 Hameed O+ Lahore Samanabad 03224957123
9 NADEEM B+ Lahore Samanabad 03089094018
10 Muhammad Mubeen B+ Lahore Gulshan E Ravi 03488692181 06-Jan-20
11 Siraj-ul-muneer A+ Lahore Wahdat Road 03428706608 12-Feb-20
12 USAMA O+ Lahore Lahore 03314208623
13 M. Arshad O+ Lahore Lahore 03326333897
14 NADIR B+ Lahore Lahore 03039381531
15 Abdul Qadir A+ Lahore Lahore 03479204128
16 NUMAN A+ Lahore Lahore 03345174888
17 Adnan Wahid O+ Lahore Lahore 03334634556
18 RASHID O+ Lahore Lahore 03471734540
19 ASAD ABBAS O+ Lahore Lahore 03005115000
20 FAHAD B+ Lahore icchra 03426431219

Our Mobile Application

Download our easy to use mobile app"PakLand Blood Society" and instantly search for blood donors which will reduce your search time for blood donors when you need one; with respect to blood type and location. The application is available on Google Play Store & can be download on all Android phones.

Click Here To Download Mobile Application

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Benefits Of Blood Donation

  1. Free blood checkup.
  2. Lower risk of cancer, heart attack, and other health disorder.
  3. Ameliorate your emotional wellness.
  4. Minimize the risk of damaging the liver and pancreas.
  5. Blood donation gives you spiritual and mental comfort.
  6. Physical health is improved after blood donation.

Success Smile


Happy Donors


Happy Recipient

We have been helping people for the last 1 year

You can give blood at any of our blood donation venues across Pakistan.

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