Donate blood, save life

Donate blood to help others

our Blood Donors

# Donor Name Group City Area Mobile Number Last Blood Donation
1 Abdul Majeed O+ Lahore Lahore 03009775858
2 M.Usman AB- Lahore Lahore 03332575826
3 GULAM ABBAS O+ Lahore Gulberg 03006660982
4 DANISH B+ Lahore Lahore 03314658493
5 USMAN ARIF O+ Lahore SABZAAZAR 03134773663
6 Abdul Rehman B+ Lahore Allama Iqbal Town 03234857706
7 IMRAN B+ Lahore Lahore 03215802086
8 Aqeel Abbas B+ Lahore Lahore 03214381788
9 M. Rizwan B+ Lahore Lahore 03056893613
10 M. Arslan A+ Lahore Lahore 03434461198
11 Yasir Gul Khan A+ Lahore Green Town 03218402283
12 Faisal A+ Lahore Lahore 03339422220
13 ALI ASIF B+ Lahore Lahore 03218312422
14 UMER AHSAN B+ Lahore Lahore 03074861784
15 Sheraz Ahmed B+ Lahore Samanabad 03004734603
16 HANAN SHAH A- Lahore Lahore 03117114321
17 RANA HUSNAIN B- Lahore Lahore 03074308395
18 Qaisar Khan O+ Lahore icchra 03324924608
19 Anwar Ul Haq AB+ Lahore Lahore 03454439225
20 Atif A- Lahore icchra 03024583383

Our Mobile Application

Download our easy to use mobile app"PakLand Blood Society" and instantly search for blood donors which will reduce your search time for blood donors when you need one; with respect to blood type and location. The application is available on Google Play Store & can be download on all Android phones.

Click Here To Download Mobile Application

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Benefits Of Blood Donation

  1. Free blood checkup.
  2. Lower risk of cancer, heart attack, and other health disorder.
  3. Ameliorate your emotional wellness.
  4. Minimize the risk of damaging the liver and pancreas.
  5. Blood donation gives you spiritual and mental comfort.
  6. Physical health is improved after blood donation.

Success Smile


Happy Donors


Happy Recipient

We have been helping people for the last 1 year

You can give blood at any of our blood donation venues across Pakistan.

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